Formazione Lavoratori Rischio Basso


Disponibile anche corsi di certificazioni in inglese


General Worker Training Course
Recipients The course aims to provide workers with the general principles of the law on health and safety in the workplace in compliance with current legislation (Article 37 of Legislative Decree no. 81 of 2008). The training of workers is aimed at creating awareness and culture on the risks and safety measures to be applied to prevent accidents. The art. 37 of Legislative  Decree.  81/08  provides  that  the  Employer  trains  all  its  employees,  in compliance with the contents and duration provided for in the agreement between the Minister of Labor and Social Policies, the Minister of Health, the Regions and Autonomous Provinces of  Trento  and Bolzano  for  the  training of  workers  sanctioned  by  the  State Regions Conference on 21/12/2011 (Rep. Acts no. 221 / CSR) (OJ no. 8 of 11-1-2012).
Aims and Provide participants with the necessary insights and updates to learn about the principles of the Prevention and Protection System adopted by companies and through which tools and strategies the worker is called upon to operate to preserve the state of safety in the workplace.
The general training and information course for workers is aimed at employers who want to keep their company in compliance with the legislative decree n.81 / 2008 and subsequent amendments.
In fact, the decree obliges the employer to train and inform the workers of his company on the specific risks of the activity carried out within the company.
The course for the training and information of the worker deals with providing all the main notions on safety aspects, obligations to be respected and prohibitions for the prevention of possible risks present during work.
Reference Article  37,  paragraph  2,  of  the  Legislative  Decree  9  April  2008  n.  81,  and subsequent amendments and additions;
legislation State-Regions Agreement of 21 December 2011; Repertoire deeds n. 221 / CSR of
21 December 2011 (Official Gazette 11 January 2012, n.8).
Duration and The course has a duration of 4 hours and can be carried out in e-learning mode with specific   characteristics   of   quality   and   certification   of   the   linking   sessions   of   the participants, or in frontal mode in the classroom.
General module (4 hours)
•   General Formation
Course •   Protection of health and safety
•   Figures of Security
•   State Regions Agreement 2011
•   The Legislative System
•   Rights and duties for your safety
schedule •   Concepts of danger, risk, damage
•   The subjects of the company prevention system
•   The subjects of the company prevention system 2
•   Contents of the DVR
•   Risk Assessment
•   Institutional Safety System
Rating Verification of learning takes place on the basis of quiz games and multiple choice tests.
Training Certificate of Attendance of “General Worker Training” of 4 hours.
Teaching Teachers in possession of the requisites envisaged by the inter-ministerial decree of 6
March 2013, issued in implementation of article 6, paragraph 8, letter m bis), of Legislative
Decree no. 81/2008, which entered into force on March 18, 2014.
Venue The course is entirely available in e-learning according to the procedures defined in Annex II of the State – Regions Agreement of 7 July 2016. In the event of a classroom course, the course will be delivered, according to a pre-established calendar, in one of the closest locations throughout the country  for the maximum of 35 students.

Informazioni aggiuntive

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